You seem to be projecting a lot about what motivates me with zero knowledge of who I am. I am not at all talking about violence or war; those are your words. Reckoning certainly can mean other things, including a real dialogue about American history, slavery, and past and contemporary manifestations of racism. History that appears to be repeating itself. Speaking of history and contemporary manifestations of racism, I am sure there are many Native Americans who would seriously disagree with your depiction of how well they are faring in today’s society.
Finally, as I said, you don’t know me. My recitation of past historical facts doesn’t mean I am looking backward nor does it mean I am claiming to be a victim. Your obvious discomfort with African Americans recalling and naming that history is your problem. It is not mine. You have zero authority and even less credibility trying to tell me how to live my life, think about American history, or anything else for that matter. Come back when you develop some self -awareness and a greater understanding of your own privilege.